Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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BASIC Source File
311 lines
' This program is donated to the Public
' Domain by MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
' It is provided as an example of the use
' of the Personal Communications Library.
' LONG (4-byte) variables are used for checksums
' because Visual Basic doesn't support unsigned
' integers. The string Buffer$ is used because
DefInt A-Z
Const xyBufferSize = 1024
Const MAXTRY = 3, LIMIT = 20
Const SOH = 1, STX = 2, EOT = 4
Const ACK = 6, NAK = 21, CAN = 24
Function RxPacket (ByVal Port, ByVal PacketNbr, Buffer$, PacketSize, ByVal NCGbyte, EOTflag)
'Port : Port # [0..3)
'PacketNbr : Packet # [0,1,2,...)
'PacketSize: Packet size [128,1024) {returned}
'NCGbyte : NAK, "C", or "G"
'EOTflag : EOT was received {returned}
PacketNbr = PacketNbr And 255
For Attempt = 1 To MAXTRY
'wait FOR SOH / STX
Code = SioGetc(Port, LONG_WAIT * ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting FOR sender"
RxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
Select Case Code
Case SOH
'128 byte buffer incoming
PacketType = SOH
PacketSize = 128
Case STX
'1024 byte buffer incoming
PacketType = STX
PacketSize = 1024
Case EOT
'all packets have been sent
Code = SioPutc(Port, ACK)
EOTflag = True
RxPacket = True
Exit Function
Case CAN
'sender has canceled !
Print "Canceled by remote"
RxPacket = False
Case Else
'error !
Print "Expecting SOH/STX/EOT/CAN not "; Code
RxPacket = False
End Select
'receive packet #
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for packet #"
Exit Function
End If
RxPacketNbr = Code And 255
'receive 1's complement
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for complement of packet #"
RxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
RxPacketNbrC = Code And 255
'receive data
CheckSum& = 0
Buffer$ = ""
Buffer$ = String$(PacketSize, 0)
For I = 1 To PacketSize
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for data for packet #"
RxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
Mid$(Buffer$, I, 1) = Chr$(Code)
'compute CRC or checksum
If NCGbyte <> NAK Then
CheckSum& = UpdateCRC&(CheckSum&, Code)
CheckSum& = (CheckSum& + Code) And 255
End If
Next I
'receive CRC/checksum
If NCGbyte <> NAK Then
'receive 2 byte CRC
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for 1st CRC byte"
Exit Function
End If
RxCheckSum1& = Code And 255
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for 2nd CRC byte"
RxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
RxCheckSum2& = Code And 255
RxCheckSum& = (256 * RxCheckSum1&) Or RxCheckSum2&
'receive one byte checksum
Code = SioGetc(Port, ONE_SECOND)
If Code = -1 Then
Print "Timed out waiting for checksum"
RxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
RxCheckSum& = Code And 255
End If
'don't send ACK IF "G"
If NCGbyte = Asc("G") Then
RxPacket = True
Exit Function
End If
'packet # and checksum OK ?
If (RxCheckSum& = CheckSum&) And (RxPacketNbr = PacketNbr) Then
'ACK the packet
Code = SioPutc(Port, ACK)
RxPacket = True
Exit Function
End If
'bad packet
If RxCheckSum& = CheckSum& Then
Print "Bad Packet. Received "; RxPacketNbr; ", expected "; PacketNbr
Print "Bad Checksum. Received "; RxCheckSum&; ", expected "; CheckSum&
End If
Code = SioPutc(Port, NAK)
Next Attempt
'can't receive packet
Print "RX packet timeout"
RxPacket = False
End Function
Function RxStartup (ByVal Port, ByVal NCGbyte)
'clear Rx buffer
Code = SioRxFlush(Port)
'Send NAKs or "C"s
For I = 1 To LIMIT
AnyKey$ = INKEY$
If AnyKey$ <> "" Then
Print "Canceled by user"
RxStartup = False
Exit Function
End If
'stop attempting CRC after 1st 4 tries
If (NCGbyte <> NAK) And (I = 5) Then NCGbyte = NAK
'tell sender that I am ready to receive
Code = SioPutc(Port, NCGbyte)
Byte = SioGetc(Port, SHORT_WAIT * ONE_SECOND)
If Byte <> -1 Then
'no error -- must be incoming byte -- push byte back onto queue !
Code = SioUnGetc(Port, Byte)
RxStartup = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
'no response
Print "No response from sender"
RxStartup = False
End Function
Function TxEOT (ByVal Port)
For I = 0 To 10
Code = SioPutc(Port, EOT)
'await response
Code = SioGetc(Port, SHORT_WAIT * ONE_SECOND)
If Code = ACK Then
TxEOT = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
TxEOT = False
End Function
Function TxPacket (ByVal Port, ByVal PacketNbr, Buffer$, ByVal PacketSize, ByVal NCGbyte)
'Port : Port # [0..3)
'PacketNbr : Packet # [0,1,2,...)
'PacketSize: Packet size [128,1024)
'NCGbyte : NAK, "C", or "G"
'better be 128 or 1024 packet length
'''PRINT "TxP: Port=";Port;"Packet#=";PacketNbr;"LEN=";LEN(Buffer$);"PacketSize=";PacketSize;",NCGbyte=";CHR$(NCGbyte)
If PacketSize = 1024 Then
PacketType = STX
PacketType = SOH
End If
PacketNbr = PacketNbr And 255
'make up to MAXTRY attempts to send this packet
For Attempt = 1 To MAXTRY
'send SOH/STX
Code = SioPutc(Port, PacketType)
'send packet #
Code = SioPutc(Port, PacketNbr)
'send 1's complement of packet
Code = SioPutc(Port, 255 - PacketNbr)
'send data
CheckSum& = 0
For I = 1 To PacketSize
Byte = Asc(Mid$(Buffer$, I, 1))
Code = SioPutc(Port, Byte)
'update checksum
If NCGbyte <> NAK Then
CheckSum& = UpdateCRC&(CheckSum&, Byte)
CheckSum& = CheckSum& + Byte
End If
Next I
'send checksum
If NCGbyte <> NAK Then
'send 2 byte CRC
CS = (CheckSum& \ 256)
Code = SioPutc(Port, CS)
CS = (CheckSum& And 255)
Code = SioPutc(Port, CS)
'send one byte checksum
CS = CheckSum&
Code = SioPutc(Port, CS)
End If
'don't wait for ACK if "G"
If NCGbyte = Asc("G") Then
If PacketNbr = 0 Then Code = SioDelay(SHORT_WAIT * ONE_SECOND / 2)
TxPacket = True
Exit Function
End If
'wait for receivers ACK
Code = SioGetc(Port, LONG_WAIT * ONE_SECOND)
If Code = CAN Then
Print "Canceled by remote"
TxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
If Code = ACK Then
TxPacket = True
Exit Function
End If
If Code <> NAK Then
Print "Out of sync. Expect ACK or NAK, not"; Code
TxPacket = False
Exit Function
End If
Next Attempt
'can't send packet !
Print 'Packet timeout for port ';Port
TxPacket = False
End Function
Function TxStartup (ByVal Port, NCGbyte)
'clear Rx buffer
Code = SioRxFlush(Port)
'wait for receivers start up NAK or "C"
For I = 1 To LIMIT
AnyKey$ = INKEY$
If AnyKey$ <> "" Then
Print "Aborted by user"
TxStartup = False
Exit Function
End If
Code = SioGetc(Port, SHORT_WAIT * ONE_SECOND)
If Code <> -1 Then
'received a byte
If Code = NAK Then
NCGbyte = NAK
TxStartup = True
Exit Function
End If
If Code = Asc("C") Then
NCGbyte = Asc("C")
TxStartup = True